Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical aspect of digital marketing, improving online visibility and driving organic traffic to websites. When it comes to choosing SEO services, businesses often grapple with the decision between a project-based model and a monthly retainer. Both approaches have their merits, but in this article, we’ll explore the advantages of a retainer-based SEO strategy, highlighting its benefits over a project-based approach.

Benefits of SEO on a Per Project Basis

1. Clear Scope and Deliverables

Clear communication is a cornerstone of successful projects. A per project model excels in providing clients with a detailed breakdown of tasks and deliverables, establishing expectations from the outset. For instance, if a client requests a website redesign with improved SEO, a per project model ensures clarity on tasks such as keyword research, on-page optimisation, and content updates. However, this clarity may falter when unexpected changes or additional work arise during the project, necessitating flexibility.

2. Fixed Cost

The appeal of a fixed cost lies in its predictability, offering clients a clear budget for the entire project. This is advantageous for businesses with a strict budget. Consider a small business aiming to launch a new product with a dedicated landing page. A fixed cost ensures the business can plan its expenses accurately. Yet, if additional features are requested mid-project, extra costs may arise, potentially impacting the budget.

3. Transparency

Transparency is crucial for building trust between clients and SEO professionals. A project-based approach fosters transparency by outlining expectations clearly. An example would be a client looking to improve local search rankings. With a detailed project plan, both parties understand the tasks involved, like optimising Google My Business and acquiring local citations. However, unforeseen challenges, like sudden changes in search algorithms, may test this transparency.

4. Client Control

Clients value having a say in their project’s direction. A per project model provides this control, allowing clients to actively shape the scope. For instance, a client in a competitive market may prioritise aggressive link-building strategies. The downside is that this control might limit flexibility when adapting to emerging trends or addressing unforeseen challenges such as a competitor updating their site.

5. Defined Timelines

Setting timelines in a project-based model provides clients with expectations for when results may be achieved. This is beneficial for businesses with specific launch dates or seasonal campaigns. However, SEO is an ongoing process. The fixed timeline might create pressure to deliver quick results, especially in situations where certain improvements take longer than the project’s duration. The real danger with project-based SEO lies in planning months into the future and basing current efforts on unpredictable trends. The risk arises when new competitors emerge, existing competitors change strategies, or search engines introduce updates that completely change the game.

Drawbacks of SEO on a Per Project Basis

1. Lack of Long-Term Commitment

While projects have clear endpoints, SEO is an ongoing process requiring long-term commitment. A per project model may not incentivise clients to invest in sustained optimisation efforts beyond the project’s completion. For instance, a business that invests in a one-time website overhaul may miss out on continuous improvements, hindering long-term search visibility.

2. Potential for Overlooking Ongoing Maintenance

Continuous optimisation is key for sustained SEO success. A per project model may inadvertently lead to neglecting ongoing maintenance and updates. For example, a client focusing on initial on-page optimisation may overlook the importance of regular content updates and link-building efforts, affecting the website’s long-term performance. Over the years, I have consulted numerous businesses on their websites, and the biggest contributing factor to their decreasing rankings is failing to regularly update their content. Updating your content is important for rankings because search engines prioritise fresh and relevant information, and regularly updating your content signals to search algorithms that your website is current and valuable to users.

3. Unpredictable Challenges

SEO is inherently unpredictable, with algorithm changes and unforeseen challenges being common. A per-project model may struggle to accommodate these uncertainties. For instance, a sudden shift in search engine algorithms might require adjustments not accounted for in the initial project scope, potentially impacting results.

4. Risk of Scope Creep

Clients may request additional tasks or changes outside the initial scope, leading to scope creep. For instance, a client initially focusing on on-page optimisation may later request a full-scale content marketing strategy. Managing these additional requests can strain the client-professional relationship and result in disputes over additional costs.

5. Limited Flexibility

The fixed scope of a project may limit the ability to adapt strategies quickly. For example, if a new SEO opportunity arises mid-project, such as the release of a trending keyword, the rigid project structure might make it difficult to include this new strategy.

6. Focused on Outputs, Not Outcomes

Emphasising a fixed set of deliverables may inadvertently shift the focus away from achieving desired outcomes and performance metrics. For instance, a project centred on acquiring a specific number of backlinks might overlook the importance of tracking the impact of those backlinks on actual website traffic and conversions.

7. Pressure to Show Quick Results

The fixed duration of a project may create pressure to show immediate results, even when certain aspects of SEO take time to yield measurable outcomes. For example, achieving significant improvements in search rankings or organic traffic may require ongoing efforts beyond the project’s timeframe, leading to unrealistic expectations.

In conclusion, a per project model offers clear advantages in terms of clarity, predictability, and client control. However, its drawbacks, including a lack of long-term commitment and potential for scope creep, underscore the need for businesses to carefully consider their goals and the nature of SEO as an ongoing process.

Benefits of SEO on a Monthly Retainer Basis

1. Continuous Optimisation

A monthly retainer model promotes an ongoing commitment to SEO, allowing for continuous optimisation. This approach recognises that SEO is not a one-time task but a dynamic process that requires consistent attention. For example, a business aiming to improve its online presence can benefit from continuous keyword monitoring, content updates, and adjustments to strategies based on performance data, all facilitated by a retainer model.

2. Flexibility

Flexibility is a key advantage of a retainer-based model, allowing SEO strategies to adapt to evolving trends, algorithm updates, and the changing needs of the business. Consider a scenario where a new competitor enters the market, prompting the need for a strategic shift. A retainer enables swift adjustments, ensuring the SEO strategy remains aligned with the business’s goals and the ever-changing nature of search engines.

3. Long-Term Relationship

Monthly retainers foster long-term relationships between clients and SEO professionals or agencies. This continuity builds trust and a deeper understanding of the business goals over time. An example could be a company seeking sustained online growth. A retainer model enables the SEO partner to align strategies with long-term business objectives, facilitating a more collaborative and effective working relationship.

4. Realistic Expectations

A retainer-based approach acknowledges the gradual nature of SEO, setting realistic expectations regarding the time it takes to achieve results. This is particularly important in managing client expectations. For instance, a business looking to rank higher in search results may understand that significant improvements may take several months, ensuring a realistic and patient approach to achieving goals. As a rule of thumb, results in SEO typically take 3-6 months and this can can be applied to most industries.

5. Comprehensive Approach

A monthly retainer allows for a more comprehensive approach to SEO, covering various aspects such as on-page optimisation, content creation, link building, and ongoing monitoring. This holistic strategy ensures that different facets of SEO are addressed consistently, which is important as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. An example might be an e-commerce business seeking to boost its visibility, requiring a multifaceted approach that encompasses various SEO elements. Nine times out of ten it’s always best to take a holistic approach to SEO if you want to maximise your return on investment.

6. Adaptability to Changes

The retainer model allows for adjustments to be made to strategies based on performance data, ensuring that efforts align with the most effective tactics. For instance, if data analysis reveals a particular type of content resonates well with the target audience, the SEO professional can allocate resources to create more content of that nature, optimising for better results.

Drawbacks of SEO on a Monthly Retainer Basis:

1. Cost Concerns

Some clients may harbour concerns about the ongoing cost commitment of a monthly retainer, especially if they are uncertain about the long-term benefits. This is particularly relevant for businesses operating with tight budgets or those seeking immediate, tangible returns. Clear communication about the value delivered through the retainer is crucial to address these concerns.

2. Results Take Time

While a retainer recognises the gradual nature of SEO, clients may still expect immediate results. Managing these expectations is critical, as SEO is a long-term investment. Educating clients on the time required for significant improvements helps avoid potential dissatisfaction and ensures a realistic perspective on the timeline for achieving desired outcomes.

One thing you should absolutely avoid is SEO professionals that promise or guarantee results. SEO results cannot be guaranteed because search engines use complex algorithms that continuously change. These algorithms consider various factors like website content, relevance, user experience, and backlinks to determine search rankings. Additionally, competition, changes in user behavior, and updates to search engine algorithms make it challenging to predict and guarantee specific SEO outcomes. Success in SEO requires ongoing efforts, adaptability, and a comprehensive understanding of your target market, customers, and competitors.

3. Potential for Complacency

There’s a risk of complacency if the SEO professional or agency does not consistently deliver value. Clients may question the ongoing retainer if they perceive a lack of tangible results. For example, if a business notices a stagnation or drop in performance without appropriate adjustments from the SEO partner, concerns about the value of the retainer may arise.

5. Communication Challenges

Without clear communication and regular updates, clients may feel uncertain about the progress being made and the value of the ongoing retainer. This highlights the importance of maintaining open channels of communication, providing clients with insights into ongoing efforts, results achieved, and areas for improvement. To this end, clients might opt to work with an SEO freelancer instead of an agency, as there are fewer people to go through and fewer layers of bureaucracy that might result in miscommunication.

6. Client Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is crucial, as clients may anticipate rapid improvements in search rankings or traffic, which may not happen immediately. A clear understanding of the gradual nature of SEO and the need for patience is essential to avoid potential misunderstandings and dissatisfaction on the client’s part.

7. Pressure to Show Monthly Results

There may be pressure to demonstrate monthly results, potentially leading to a focus on short-term gains rather than a more sustainable, long-term SEO strategy. This pressure can be challenging, especially when certain SEO efforts may take time to yield measurable outcomes. Balancing the need for regular reporting with a realistic timeframe for results is crucial in a retainer-based model.

One thing I encourage all businesses to watch out for from their SEO provider is the month-on-month vanity trap. Across almost all industries, we can observe seasonal trends in search volumes, influencing traffic to websites. As a result, month-on-month comparisons in terms of traffic increases and sales are usually useless nine times out of ten. What your SEO provider should consistently highlight are quarterly and annual comparisons. If you consistently see month-on-month comparisons in your reports, that’s a significant red flag, and your provider is likely hiding something.

In a Nutshell

Both project-based and retainer-based SEO models have their strengths and weaknesses. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs, goals, and budget constraints of the business. For those wanting a long-term commitment, flexibility, and a comprehensive approach to SEO, a monthly retainer may be the preferred choice. However, businesses with well-defined, one-time projects and a limited budget may find value in a project-based approach. The key lies in understanding the nuances of each model and aligning them with the unique requirements of the business at hand.

In my professional opinion, businesses should choose to retainer-based over project-based SEO models. Why? Think of SEO like climbing a mountain – it needs careful planning, and every step matters. Reaching the top not only gives you a great view but also sets the standard. Others follow your lead, trusting you as the expert. Once you’ve reached the summit, SEO keeps going on its own, inspiring others and getting them to support your business.

In addition, climbers use tools like “pitons” and “climbing cams” strategically for support. Now, think about choosing a super cheap SEO package – it gives you some initial tools, but they run out fast, leaving you stuck on the mountain. In the worst case, a tool fails, and you end up lower than where you started. Meanwhile, competitors, consistently investing in SEO, keep passing you with a steady supply of tools and guidance from their SEO specialist climbing instructor.

If you are looking for a transparent, trustworthy, and dedicated SEO professional to improve your website’s performance, consider my freelance SEO services. Regardless of your industry or the size of your business, I have the skills to boost your online visibility and generate more sales. Contact me today for your free site audit, and let’s get started!